ASU LUG workshops
We contributed to several workshops at Arizona State University. Several members including Paul, Stu, and Marcia presented demos and provided guidance with pi projects. Some demos/projects include: Alexa clone Private Camera – motion detect and streaming Pi Hole AI Demos

PollenOS is now AIcramOS
Too wordy? Oh well.. The new OS to be released at SCALE in Pasadena includes a pi version, MX Linux version and Debian base for 86_64. The MX Linux version has CUDA setup for Nvidia 3060. These are AI quick learning environments. ai cram os Dependencies are set up but remember – update! Included in…

West Side Linux + pi 2019-present
The idea for West Side Linux + pi stemmed from a meeting of minds at a local tea shop. That shop became our home before covid. We started meetings on May 4 2019. There weren’t any west side LUG meetings and once a month didn’t seem so bad. Soon this became 2x a month and…